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The 5k Fight

As 2023 began, my girlfriends and I set a goal. We wanted to do twelve 5ks in 2023. We are all over 40. Well over 40. ha ha So we wanted to focus on getting healthier and back in the shape we all wanted to be in. All 3 of us are workout queens. We love a good work out and know the importance of doing so on a regular basis. Afterall, working out is what brought my best friend and I together.  


As 2023 hit, we were kicking it in gear and getting those 5ks knocked out. We were all feeling good. We were not trying to WIN or BEAT each other, or someone else. We were all in the fight to beat ourselves. We wanted to improve on our times each run, but overall, we just wanted to be together, be healthy, and have fun. 


That we did. We were on a roll. Feeling good.

Then, we get the news. 


My best friend, one of the tribe was given the C word news. Things were happening fast, she was going into surgery, we were all nervous, scared, but 100% had faith and each other. The true fight had started. And it wasn't deciding where our next run would be. 

We stood by her side all the way, and we all decided right then, we would finish our 5ks together and we would get all 12 in. We are 3 STUBBORN ladies and the good Lord sure knew what he was doing, putting the 3 of us together. 


We did it. We did the damn thing. We didn't make times we wanted, but who cares. What mattered the most, we were all CAPABLE of doing the 5ks. We were together. And most of all, chemo was done and our best girl was beating CANCERS BUTT! 

Like a true ROCKSTAR! 


We kept going. We kept our promises to ourselves and each other. We made it work. We walked when we needed too. That was okay. 

A week and half out of chemo completion, we hit the pavement to finish out our 12th 5k in Lynchburg, TN! We didn't delay. We had to finish. No speeds. No records. Just the pavement and us.  

We crossed the finish line 12 times, and our best gal rang that dang bell at Chemo and had a good follow up report. THANK YOU, LORD! 


12 5ks in 2023--- Hell Yeah. and 2024-- we are coming for more! 





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